Friday, July 9, 2010

The Thermometer Is Not Going Up!

Sadly, the fund-raising thermometer is still sitting at the same place. We are less than 1/4 of the way there to raising enough money for Jodi to compete. Friends, family, runners, and triathletes--please consider giving Jodi the gift of an Ironman!

Think of your donation as an early birthday or house-warming gift to her. Don't wait, donate! It is super easy. Simply click on the "DONATE" button below and safely, securely donate via PayPal.

Another option is to give me a check the next time you see me! I will be at Austin Fit tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. and I will also be at the Couples Triathlon on Sunday. I'll be ready and willing to take donations at either spot!

Thanks again, friends! Again...don't wait, donate!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My dad donated! How about you?

The other day I was at breakfast with my dad. I briefly explained Jodi's predicament, and he immediately pulled out his wallet and donated $40! I thought that was an impressive show of support for Jodi! Thanks, Dad!

We are now at $140 dollars raised out of $600. Donate today and make the thermometer overheat!

Contact me via email about check pickup (available anytime!) or mailing a check. You can also donate via PayPal below. Thank you so much for considering a donation toward Jodi's Ironman Texas journey!

The other day, I went for a run with Jodi and my mutual friend Jeanine. Jeanine wrote a check for me after the run. Go Jeanine! Thank you for your generous donation!

fundraiser ideas

href="">Free fundraiser
for your href="">original fundraisers

Monday, June 28, 2010

Donate Today!

Be a part of Jodi's Ironman Texas Journey!

Our dear friend Jodi is unemployed and searching for a job, yet now is the perfect time for her to go after her lifetime goal of an Ironman finish. Ironman Texas is her Ironman of choice. Help her enter the $600 race! Help her with future bike expenses, travel, and training costs. Help her achieve her goal!

Look how far we've already come in our push to help Jodi toward her dream!


to track your href="">fundraisers

Contribute today and make the thermometer go up via PayPal below! You can also email me or leave a comment.

Thanks so much for your contribution!
Mercedes and Rand